In practice it is managed as a crawling peg against the dollar, which has risen 17 per cent in trade-weighted terms since mid-July. 表面上,人民币是与一篮子其它货币挂钩;实际上,它是爬行盯住美元。自7月中旬以来,美元的贸易加权汇率已上升了17%。
Adjustable fixed or crawling peg 可调整的固定或爬行钉住
This was taken to mean China will reintroduce the crawling peg, which saw its currency appreciate 17 per cent against the dollar over three years until it was halted in 2008 to help Chinese exporters. 这被认为中国将重新施行爬行盯住政策&该政策曾让人民币兑美元汇率在3年里升值17%,直至2008年暂停以帮助中国出口商。
After several different kinds of theories on exchange rate system choice are analysed, this paper focuses on the choice of RMB exchange rate system in economic transition and suggests that Crawling Peg Exchange Rate System is a proper choice. 文章通过对各种汇率选择理论的分析,结合转轨时期中国经济的特点,讨论了人民币汇率制度的选择,提出爬行钉住美元制是较为合适的汇率安排。
The 1980s saw the combination of the "wide range" with the "crawling peg", which resulted in the creation of the classical model of the target zone. 80年代将宽区间与爬行钉住结合,创立目标区经典模型;
It emerged during the Second World War in USA and was revised in the 1920s for adding the "wide range of rate" and "crawling peg". 中间汇率制度思想起源于第二次世界大战期间的美国,20世纪60年代被重新修订,提出汇率宽区间和爬行钉住计划;